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Supported Services

Chat Services

In no particular order

  • OpenAI
  • Azure Open AI
  • Gemini
  • Anthropic
  • Moonshot (Kimi)
  • ChatGLM (Zhipu Qingyan)
  • 01.AI
  • DeepSeek
  • Qwen (Alibaba Dash Scope)
  • Yiyan (Baidu Qianfan)
  • Tencent Hunyuan
  • iFlytek Spark
  • Open Router
  • Together AI
  • Groq
  • Perplexity
  • Mistral AI
  • Ollama

Text-to-Image Services

In no particular order

  • Open AI
  • Azure Open AI
  • Yiyan (Baidu Qianfan)
  • Tencent Hunyuan
  • iFlytek Spark

Text-to-Speech Services

In no particular order

  • Open AI
  • Azure Open AI
  • Azure Text-to-Speech

Machine Translation Services

In no particular order

  • Azure Translator (Bing Translator)
  • Alibaba Cloud Translation
  • Baidu Translation
  • Tencent Cloud Translation
  • Youdao Translation
  • Volcano Translation

Released under the GPLv3 License